Basel Fasnacht

A couple of weeks ago, a rather exciting email landed in my inbox asking if I’d like to travel to Basel to join in on the fun of the Fasnacht. I’d never heard of the carnival up until this point, but as I’d been to Basel before (blog post here) and absolutely loved the city,…

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Shopping in Basel

The thing I enjoyed most about my trip to Basel was the food shopping and gazing through the shop windows, there are fresh fruit stalls, shops dedicated to selling just huge pretzels, gelato stands and bakeries all dotted around the city. Obviously no trip to Switzerland is worthwhile without investing in some good quality chocolate,…

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Sightseeing in Basel, Switzerland

Basel, the third largest city in Switzerland, shares the border with both France and Germany giving it a unique mixture of influences from all countries. This makes the city a great place to shop, eat and explore. The Rhine river runs though the heart of the city and looks truly beautiful in summer time with…

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