Sexual Assault on the Dance Floor

I’ve wanted to touch on this subject for months but until now have silenced myself in order to keep my blog toned down, and for want of a better word, vanilla. At 19, I went to a rave in Cambridge and had my first taste of feeling lost amidst a crowd all off their face.…

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Getting Out of a Monochrome Style Rut

Recently it hit me that I wear far too much neutral tones and my go to colour of choice tends to always be black. When I hit my teenage years, I started to phase out bright colours in favour of black, and if I was feeling adventurous, grey. Now that spring has finally landed, I’ve…

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The Struggle of Keeping a Low-key Blog Relevant

Guess who’s back for another reflective post. But first, how fancy is my new blog design looking? Gone are the days of Blogger, I’ve finally seen the light and moved over to WordPress. I first got into blogging as a 15 year old with too much time on her hands and a stash of Lush…

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